Hi. I'm Mike's inanimate and obstinate old mower. We met in 2003 @Ace Hardware. He found me temperamental. For that, I broke my grass protector and he had to pay for a new one and install himself. Before that even, he did not pay much attention to me and I blew out my carburetor. Then he started cleaning my carb once a month. Good boy. But I still demanded more attention by having little things go wrong. He responded oafishly. Well this past summer our relationship really hit the skids. I blew out my starter coil twice. He fixed me once and then I did it again. So we have parted. I wished him and his new Craftsman well. He wished me well in the junkyard. I heard he already has dumped the new Craftsman for another one. Jerk. My mother warned me about guys like him.
Besides, I like grass!