Hi. You know who I am. I wanted to post on this blog before you forgot. As you know, I hate Kate. But there is one thing I hate more and that's not being on a reality show. I am trying out for other shows. I got rejected for "The Hills" because I am too old. It would have been nice to be rejected for being too smart. Hmm. I hope that being fired from the show will not result in women not wanting to be seen with me. No one is that shallow, right? I am thinking of starting a show called "Celebrity Tit Club", where I interview the boobs of famous people and talk about issues of the day. I think the interview with Madeline Albright's and Karl Rove's will be particularly fascinating. Now I need to earn my keep. Here's the MikePod:
AC/DC: "Back In Black"
Doors: "Best of Disc 2"
Robert Plant: "Mighty Rearranger"
Rolling Stones: "Black & Blue"
Rush: "Chronicles"
U2: "Rattle & Hum" (Am I buggin ya? Don't mean to bug ya)
Van Halen (not Van Heflin)"Diver Down"
Yes: "Big Generator"
Free: "Best Of"