Monday, October 30, 2006


I like wearing cords. They are warm and comfy. I used to wear them as a kid in the '80s. I really like the jeans look, like the Levi 559s or 505s.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Palm Guy

My organizational skills are awful. So in Jan of 2002 I bought A Palm M125 organizer. It helped me get control of my schedule and I have been hooked ever since. I upgraded to a Zire 71 in May of 2004 and to a TX in April of this year. I also use a TE for work. I use my Palms to keep track of my schedule, maintain inventory and work on Word and Excel documents.I use alarms to remind me of meetings and other things I don't want to forget about. I've used them to listen to music, take pictures and remind me of things to buy.

The stand alone PDA is dying. The market appears to be moving to smart phones like the various Palm Treos and the UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC)market that is emerging. Palm
needs to upgrade it's OS either via
Access Linux Platform or a Palm owned Linux OS.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

North Korea

Events out of the Korean Peninsula are rather scary lately. The North Korean regime (The Democratic People's Republic of) has fired missiles and detonated a nuclear bomb. It may be time to engage this cutie pie
Kim Jong-Il one on one and see if tensions can be calmed.

The Chinese and South Koreans do not want this regime to collapse because of the refugee crisis they will be confronted with. The Chinese also like having a buffer against the US allied South Korea as well as the DPRK's habit of giving the US the finger. The DPRK also has the US's attention. This keeps it off of Taiwan, much to China's liking. The South is concerned about the enormous financial and social cost of unification. Ask Germany. I say the regime will collapse. What will the US/South Korea do? Will the Chinese send troops in to restore order and install a friendly puppet government?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Deer crossing

Nearly hit a deer on the way to the train. I hit the brakes as it crossed the road, missed it by about a car length. I would say this is the 3rd time I have nearly hit a deer in my driving career.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Lou Pinella/Cubs

I think Lou Pinella is a good choice, but the Cubs will never be a consistent winner until the Tribune Company sells the team. It looks to me like the Tribsters are positioning the Cubs for a sale in the next year or so by keeping Jim Hendry and his ill gotten 2 yr contract extension and not signing Pinella beyond 3 years. It is no secret that the Trib has had financial issues and they may sell their broadcast media outlets.

One reason they bought the Cubs was for programming for WGN TV & radio. It should be interesting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gasping For Air-Choke

The Bears came back from a 23-3 deficit to win Mondays game vs the Az Cardinals 24-23. One of the worst chokes in NFL history. Say bye Dennis Green. After Rex Grossman's 4th int (also 2 fumbles, 6 turnovers total)I decided the game was over. I shut down in the living room and had to turn the PC off. The game was being recorded on it and I saw Brian Urlacher strip the ball from the Edge. Tillman returned it for a TD. So I watched the rest of the game. WOW.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Larry King Watch

I heard Larry say this recently:

"Has your pit bull killed anybody?"
(to Rachel Ray)

He throws softballs and kisses plenty of butt. Not bad work if it's Suzanne Sommers' like last week.

I like how he'll have somebody like Henry Kissinger and then he'll promote someone like Phyllis Diller later in the show.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Wow. I am tired of her. I recently opened an envelope and she showed up. Her dad decides everything and she just recycles music. What does Check On It mean anyway?

I guess her House Of Dereon sells stuff so there is the purchasing/business angle. There must not be a lot of money in making hip hop/rap records because all of these people are selling clothes and drinks. I can't wait until one of these artists starts selling their own branded toilet paper

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Speaker Hastert

There have been a lot of calls for the Speaker's head because of the Foley scandal. I think it is always best to reserve judgement until all facts are known. Count me on that side. I live near his local office, so I guess as a neighbor, I have a bias. Though not a Len Bias, he's dead.

If the Speaker does resign who should replace him? Donald Trump? Phyllis Diller? Dusty Baker? He needs a job! If he does not get it, he'll blame Steve Stone

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sean Hannity

Everytime I see this guy on TV he agrees with everything George Bush says and does. No disagreement anywhere. If the president were to call taking a dump a patriotic duty (no pun intended) he would be the first to the men's room.

At lease he has an audience. I thought Air America was a new airline when it was first announced. I would ask the last person there to turn off the lights, but they probably did not pay the electric bill.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Google Spreadsheet

One thing I have been playing around with lately is Google Spreadsheet. I think I actually have found a practical use for it. I have been passing a spreadsheet with a co worker and have had trouble keeping track of updates and which is the current version. Here we both can update and there is no doubt about current versions.

See what lots of IPO money can do!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Da Bears/What Would Ditka Do?

The Bears are 5-0. Wow. I am trying not to get too excited. I have always lived my adult life by the adage WWDD- What Would Ditka Do? Whenever I am confronted by a problem I ask what would he do? Buy the Sun-Times or Trib? Regular or decaf? Martin or Lewis? Dick York or Dick Sargent?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I love this country! In the past 24 hours, I have received samples of 2 new products. From the good folks @Gillette the new Fusion razor was sent to me. I have not been this excited about a shave since my first one sophmore year in highschool
Gillette Fusion
Tell Casandra Mike sent you!

On the way home tonight, Starbuck's was passing out samples of a maple latte. I was not crazy about it, but 2 weeks ago they passed out samples of the Pumpkin Spice Latte which I liked and have already purchased one.
Maple Macchiato

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I burned my fingers on Sunday making Poptarts. What this has to do w/Purchasing I don't know other than I did purchase them @some point.