My organizational skills are awful. So in Jan of 2002 I bought A Palm M125 organizer. It helped me get control of my schedule and I have been hooked ever since. I upgraded to a Zire 71 in May of 2004 and to a TX in April of this year. I also use a TE for work. I use my Palms to keep track of my schedule, maintain inventory and work on Word and Excel documents.I use alarms to remind me of meetings and other things I don't want to forget about. I've used them to listen to music, take pictures and remind me of things to buy.
The stand alone PDA is dying. The market appears to be moving to smart phones like the various Palm Treos and the UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC)market that is emerging. Palm
needs to upgrade it's OS either via
Access Linux Platform or a Palm owned Linux OS.
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