I was glancing about the TV to rid myself of boredom when I stumbled on TLC. No not the defunct girl-group, but the cable channel. I was hoping to see something like
"I Have an Appendix as Big as a Volkswagen" or some other surgery show and they were running promos for their various large family shows like
18 Kids and Counting Jon & Kate + 8 and Table for 12. Couple this and the Octomom
I don't get the fascination with the extra large family by today's media. It's like OK, let's pop the kids out and go on TV, like a clown car in the 3 ring circus. Oh and Octomom is a name you really want to trade mark. Like she's a super hero or something.
roflcopter, love the heading..
thumbs up
I did not notice this comment until 5/23. I didn't think anyone paid any attention. If I was paid with attention, I would be on stamps.
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