I'm Wilford Brimley. I have diabetes. I also have not had a dump since the Carter Administration. You'd be grumpy too. Anyway, I thought I would use the free time here provided by the city slickered jerk who writes this garbage and talk about Liberty Medical. They send you your supplies when you need them. No forms to fill out (Old people hate to fill out forms) No charge for shipping (old people hate shipping and they also hate to be charged for it.) I am also making inroads in to the hip hop community. See my rap video? How's that for keeping it real? Ever hear my LP? I can rock it out if need be. By the way, Mike finished another book report. Alright, I have to go and be ornery somewhere else. Maybe over @Betty White's. Before I head over there(get it?)I need to do a Viagra commercial. I should probably also have a Metamucil milkshake.
Peace out beyatch!
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