The firm I work for issued iPads to all employees this month. I've had a few weeks to play with it and I have to say it is a brilliant piece of technology. Note, the person using it is not brilliant but the gadget itself is. It is the 3rd greatest waste of time ever know to Man. The first of course is Facebook, the 2nd is being married to Jennifer Lopez.
I like the always on email, as I walk through the office, I am constantly hearing "the email ping" notification. Some apps I am using:
MS OneNote:I take notes in meetings and then this synch with my Hotmail account. I can also email the notes to myself @work and then print out.
Hotmailbuzzr: Hotmail app
Arrivals: I can see which CTA L train I'm not taking to see a cool show on the North side...
PhotoBooth: Oh gawd, whenever I need to express a psychotic mood, and that is fairly frequent these daze,this picture effect app seems to get the job done nicely.
Things I would like to do with MikePad in the future:
Access our Intranet. I hate hauling my laptop home when I am off to approve orders.
Handwrite notes: I am using an app called My Script Memo with a stylus, but it makes my already bad writing look worse.
Convince Heidi Klum that she needs me. I can be delusional can't I?