I bought a HTC Wildfire S Android Smart phone last month. I really like it. I had been using Trac Fones since 2007. A promotion @work caused me to send/receive more texts/calls. IT has taken me awhile to get used to the touch screen. I don't know how many times I have called someone by mistake. Putty wacky pictures for some of my contacts have made me laugh so much I have missed answering the call. I have had to learn how to manage the internal space on the phone because it seems if the storage falls below 30MB (out of 150MB) then the phone can't take updates. It is a non contract phone so I pay by credit card. I had thought that it would be automatic, but to my befuddlement I got a text on my date end that said "$VMU$ What the hell does that mean? Basically it was the phone co inviting me to pay another payment. I let it lapse because I assumed (I no, ass of u and me, particularly me) they would take the easy way out and deduct it from my credit card that they have on file.At least they did not try to charge me $2 like Verizon for the privilege of paying my bill.
Some apps I am using:
Google Voice: I love this piece of technology. You can send and receive texts via the web, visual voicemail. It integrates well with my phone.
Facebook: Now I can keep the world informed of my comings and goings and each shallow thought that pops into my head. (I should probably find an app to inform the world about my deep thoughts. When I have one, I'll let you know)
Scanner Radio: Listening to public safety communications from across the world.
TuneIN Radio: Public Safety and AM/FM/Internet Radio from all over the world.
Rail Hopper: Being a commuter in the Chicago Area it is nice to have all Metra schedules @my finger tips.
Memo Pad: A quick way to jot a short reminder.
Calculator: When I need to see how inadequate my tip is.....
1 comment:
Allow me to also suggest the following:
Google Currents
Out Of Milk
Redbox (if you use their kiosks)
Shop Savvy
Shazam (to identify these new songs that kiddo listens to)
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